Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Moms: Doing the best we can!

I live in a suburb of Washington DC. That's all I can disclose or I may end up in the witness protection program. Not because of the crazy characters who may recognize themselves or me. No, it's not the neighbors. It's my kids. If they get wind of this little project, wI'm toast.

My kids range in ages from nine to 22. Rest assured, if you are going through anything with your kids, I've been there, screwed it up and laughed about it later.

My  backgroud is not in science or latin for that matter, but I have found the suburbs are much like the wild. There are different species of moms and they can easily be classified much like species of tigers or monkeys. That mom who still sports an "I heart Palin" bumper sticker is a proud member of the Matris Conservatus species. Her antagonist is none other than the Matris Liberalis, who is working out twice a day and wearing sleeveless shirts in winter as a tribute to Michelle Obama. As I tell all from the cul-de-sac, I'll profile these species and many more.
My mission is simple: world peace, one mom at a time. Humor is a great way to poke fun at our differences and celebrate our similiarities. When it comes down to it, all us moms want what's best for our kids and everyday we do the best we can. Reading this, you may recognize and laugh at yourself, your mom, your sisters, your daughters, your friends and that bitch down the block you can’t stand!

1 comment:

  1. HooRayGun! sez RonRaygun.
    I know whatta CULdeSAC is!
    Find-out moe Troof, brudda,
    on our soul-saving, fuel-saving,
    time-enriching-blogOramma, dear:
    ♡ ♡
    Love you.
    Cya soon.
